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We have many years of experience in producing seedlings in containers for forestation. The majority of our production with such purpose is of Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus libani subsp. atlantica). Our company has been the main supplier of cedar seeds for forestry needs in Bulgaria for over 35 years. The production is in conformance with Directive 1999/105/EC and is from identified and certified base sources.

The type of containers we use has been specially selected for the species grown, so that the roots can be directed in a suitable manner without entanglement or inversion. One year old seedlings are grown in forest tree trays and the older plants are transplanted in progressively larger containers. This way there is an optimal growth of both the above-ground part and the root system. The result is strong, adaptable plants, ready for planting on site with minimal effort.

We have the capacity for production of hundreds of thousands one-year-old plants every year, as well as their following cultivation and transplanting.

Created by: Introduction - Georgiev & Co. All rights reserved. No portion of this website - www.introduction.bg - design or content, can be used without the express permission of the owner.

SD Introdukcia - Georgiev i S-ie, VAT Nr BG833088948, Decorative plants nursery Introduction, 6069 Arnautito, Bulgaria